I've never really had a good relationship with food. In the last year I have likely been borderline anorexic. There are days when I barely eat 1000 calories a day. This wreaks havoc on my body. My skin is leathery, I wake up with stomache cramps and bowel movements are very painful. I have to have tea/juice because I can't stand the 'taste' of plain water and it makes my stomache upset. I have no idea how I get the energy to do all that I do in a day! But I feel I have finally found a solution...
It's Versativa and they sell whole, natural HEMP based raw food products. I'm so excited about thier products because I'm finally going to get full nutrition into my horrible diet! The killer benefits of such an amazing little seed - HEMP!!
I love the products so much that I've joined the Versativa Movement. It's a ground floor opportunity (it only launched publicly in January 2011) To check out thier products go to